Motivational Monday #76: You got it....will you keep it?

As we are meeting with new people and on-boarding them (hopefully systematically with a PEP and intro to their escrow team) it is vitally important to keep it up. Once they are on-boarded there isn't a 1 year contract they sign to stay with us. We need to be consistent in our approach and execution of our plans daily. That is how we sustain growth. That is how we sustain success. Persistence will get us to a level we like, but it WON'T keep us there at all. Only consistency with a high level of service and value will do that.
I want each of us to live in success, not just taste it.
A great measure of this is to look at our overall & branch REM's not just monthly but quarterly, semi-annually & annually and that will be a key indicator of true growth.
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