Motivational Monday #48: focus

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The quickest way to achieving a goal is to focus on it until it's complete. Many times though we are distracted by 'good' things that prevent us from hitting the goal or hitting it when we would like to. It's not usually bad things that distracted us, but things that are still good, just not as important at the time. When it's time to make prospecting calls we may find that we get distracted cleaning our desks, going through emails, etc... still good things, but it's not what what we needed to do at that time. 

When we get rid of distractions and focus on that task/goal that we have we get it done feeling accomplished knowing that we made best use of our time. When you are feeling distracted from what you need to get done today, identify it, shake it off and complete your task at hand. If we focus on one at a time and bring it from 0-100% complete and move to the next at the end of the day, week, month we'll be way ahead. 

Make today a GREAT one!


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