Monday Motivation #1

This is something new that I wanted to roll out for the team. Each week we will have a thought delivered with a call to action. We do this to help to continue the fostering of staying lifelong learners and growth. Formal education will end, but we must always keep learning and looking to become better than one person every day; that person is the person we were yesterday. Each one of us has had incredible accomplishments personally and professionally which is awesome! We want to keep it up not just in the rear-view mirror, but in our futures as well. We know what got us started, now let's remember why we keep going; our "WHY" is huge! 

As Aristotle said "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, isn't an act, but a habit." 

Let's do something this week that makes a positive impact & make it a habit! What habits do we have? Are they getting us closer to our goals?

Best team in the Biz!


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