The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

I was thinking about this the other day when a friend came to me who had been frustrated. She was telling me about how someone had treated her poorly and was feeling really hurt. She said that it was out of nowhere and that it was the first meeting with the person. All I could think about is if The Golden Rule was actually live out in life that it would truly eliminate all the hurt and pain that is inflicted on one another. It's so simple, yet lived out it seems to be rare. This may be due to when kindness happens it not shared, but when evil or hurt happens it is shared and usually on a larger scale.

My hope with this is to start each day reciting Matthew 7:12 and hopefully with that as a beginning it can resonate within me and be prevalent in my life. If that is the case I hope that it is contagious to those around me as well. It's not a big change in direction, but even a few degrees of change make a large impact on the destination that you're heading.

All the Best!


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