
Showing posts from June, 2023

Motivational Monday #238: Important is Important

  Distraction is everywhere and many times the thing distracting isn't a bad thing but a good thing. It can still distract from that thing that we should have been doing though. It's been said that if it's important the you'll find a way and if it's not, you'll find an excuse. Don't look for excuses in a world full of ways/opportunities to achieve it.  If we are committed to the goal it will happen; we find a way. If we are only interested in the goal then we may stop when adversity comes.   Remain steadfast in doing what is important, what is needed. You will thank yourself for choosing hard, for choosing to accomplish it; don't just be interested in being better, be committed to better, pursue it and you'll get there. Be thankful & celebrate accomplishments along the way believing also that your best and most important is in front of you. 

Motivational Monday #237: Listen to the Sound of Silence

  Do you take time daily to be still? To quite your mind, fade out the noise of the day and be? If so, continue that. Continue that refill of yourself where perspective, insight and calmness grows. Those all are amazing byproducts of taking a moment each day to listen to the sound of silence. If you do not do this, I encourage you today to catch a beat, pause, turn off any noise around you and for 3-5 min breath and be. It is one of the most simple, yet tough things to actually do. But when you do it will allow you to reengage as someone recharged and ready. Whatever may have been taking up space in your head or heart that didn't belong tends to leave. That in turn frees you up to fully be you and fully engage.  Have a great one today! 

Motivational Monday #236: That one little thing

  We all have that ONE little thing that we have been putting off; kicking the can down the road. The reason(s) for each of us can be similar or different.  I want to encourage each of us today to get that preverbal monkey off our backs and do it. Don't over think it, don't think of why we can't right now. If it's been in your head & your heart for that long to do; then DO. It could be that one thing that is holding you back from that one thing that you have wanted. Breakthrough personal will effect you professionally & the reverse is true as well; professional breakthrough will effect you personally. They work in tandem with each other; they are connected. 

Motivational Monday #235: Mindset to Action

  Having the right mindset matters. I'm not talking about just self talk though. There has to be a connection tied to action. Thoughts without actions really don't do much at all besides lead us to what if's and disappointment. Be disappointed for not trying, not putting in the work, but be proud you shot your shot weather it leads to a win or not. The biggest loss you can ever have is not attempting. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our loved ones to created a positive space in our minds that leads to positive action in our days. That impact won't just be felt from 8-5, but before and after as well. We each have the opportunity to attract who and what we want in our lives by how we think, act & live each day.  Do each simple act greatly; your best. The results will follow, they only don't when we don't.