Motivational Monday #226: Goals & Standards...

Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aimed towards. 

Standards: The minimum level accepted to a habit or end result.  

We get what we accept/tolerate; our standards. Standards are what we will allow for ourselves daily. How we allow other to treat us, what we eat, where we invest our time, etc..  

We can have our goals, they can be lofty, but if we don't have standards in our daily life/activities then those goals will always be out of reach. 

Today I have one question, though it is not simple: What is your standard for yourself?

This questions has a bit of depth to it, but when we find the depth in in we will be better prepared to go out and achieve our goals, personally & professionally when we align our standards daily so we have the potential for achievement. This could small tweaks or drastic changes. Its easy to make goals, it's much harder to do the standards daily in order to achieve them.


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