MM #152: Showing Up

 Hey Team, 

As we are still in the midst of SIP, remote working & a strong market I just wanted to take a moment to remind of of something we already know.

Showing Up for an appointment, meeting, class (this can be with prospects, clients, partners or yourself) make sure we are not just showing up physically, but also mentally, emotionally & prepared. It can be the little things that tip the scales in your favor, the details that win the conversation, meeting or day. Don't forget about the little things. Having your notepad, a beverage, lighting, notes from your last meeting, internat tabs up to where you need to be, you get the drill. 

When we Show Up on all cylinders we build confidence in ourselves, who we are, what we know and what we are about to do. We have incredible capabilities, we just have to harness it and go. 

Go forward today prepared, confident & expectant for success.     


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