MM #141: Beating Boredom

31 COVID-19 Boredom Busters and Activities - FamilyApp™

Scenery isn't changing much. SIP is still here. We are busy. 

These can be fuels or fables, our choice. 

It's soo important to not allow the routines that are happening get us down. Doing the same or similar things over and over can be boring
.....IF we allow it to. That part is up to us. 

Below are some simple ideas to break through boredom, keep going towards flourishing and maintain our growth mindset and physical strength. 

Lets bust boredom together and as we do this journey we are inspiring others as well. #TheRippleEffect

  • Start the day with a class of water and a short stretch or walk
  • Gameify your activity. (ie: after I talk to 3 prospects I get a snickers bar?)
  • Write down on a sticky note 3 reasons you do what you do and post it on your computer #RememberYourWHY
  • Do some of your calls mobile. Go for a walk around the block while making them
  • Hourly take a music mix break. Play 1 of your favorite songs to get the blood flowing.

I'm sure you all have some GREAT things you are doing too! Share them!


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