MM #138: Do it. You Deserve it.

Growth. Success. Joy. 

These are 3 ingredients that all would like in live; there are others, but I want to share on just these today. 

All of them are things that we strive for. Things that we don't hang on a wall, but need to pursue daily; intentionally. I don't believe that any of these happy end by default, but by purposeful pursuit. 

Growth: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Economically, etc... we pick it and we grow where we focus. We dive in and stretch our selves. 

Success: Better every day. In our relationships, profession, etc... when we go for it it's not usually a solo trip but we bring others along with us. 

Joy: This is deeper than being happy. Joy isn't just in circumstance, but who we are becoming. We can have joy in good times in through struggles. We can help others receive it as well. 

Most of our actions are either bringing us closer or further from these. As we go through our days think about what you are doing and which one it's bringing you closer to. 

Share Your Greatest JOY and SUCCESS - Indwelling Language


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