MM #134: A Single Grain of Rice

So as you all know Nicolette is just over 1 now and has a strong affinity for Disney movies. (Amen to Disney+) Usually, daily we watch Moana &/or Mulan with her and will pick up parts we never noticed before. 

This weekend her and I were watching Mulan and that is where my inspiration for today MM came from :)

A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the ...

Link to the Video Clip

Above is a quote from the Emperor in the movie. One small grain of rice can tip the scale, one small act, one small word can be the difference between success achieved & success missed. This was a good reminder for me to make sure I'm paying attention to the details, starting & finishing well. 

Sometimes that "1 little" thing we did, that 1 call we made, that 1 outreach can tip the scales in our favor and achieve something great.  

----Short Story----
Years ago Bryan called a refi lender from open orders that he didn't recognize. He asked some leading questions and connected with them. It ended up being a leader at GMAC. Through calling that 1 deal it led to landing them as a client from 2 ops centers for all of their CA transactions. They averaged between 400-700 closings a month for years!!! Let that sink in; that is HUGE. 


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