Motivational Monday #117: Under Pressure we have 2 directions to go

In a book I just finished (chop wood & carry water) the author wrote something that really resonated with me. "Under pressure you don't rise up to the occasion; you sink to the level of your training/preparation."

This was a statement that I really sat on for a while. It made me think back to times when I thrived and when I failed. I could look back and see a correlation from my level of preparation and training and the outcome. This is true in all aspects of life. Wanting to be great at something and pursuing greatness are two different things. We we start the pursuit of of a skill or talent it starts off slow and that is normal, but most of the time we expect it to be quick and easy. if it's worth it we stick to it though. 

What is something you want to excel at? ________________

We identify it, we crawl, walk or run to get there but we get there as long as we keep pursuing. And remember this pursuit isn't meant to be a solo journey. Use the human resources around you to help you get there. 


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