Motivational Monday #112: Feeding our Minds

Image result for feeding your mind

It's super important that we are taking intentional actions in feeding our mind with things than foster growth and joy. I believe there has to be a balance, but before there is balance there has to be intake. It doesn't have to be a long drawn out time or process. It can take place on your first drive of the day. That is when I spend some time putting some motivation in my mind for the day. 

There are may podcasts, audible's, books, etc... that you can dive into so I'd recommend asking some of your peers what they are doing for ideas or there is always google. I've put a list of a few things that I subscribe to below as well to check out if you'd like. 

Remember the compound effect: 
The Compound Effect is the ripple effect you get from the choices you make. In life, you not only reap what you sow, you reap more than you sow. The seemingly insignificant choices we make daily, will create major changes in your life for good or bad. These are the things we don’t think about because they have no immediate effect. They don’t seem to matter. But over time, they can take you places you never intended.  (as adapted from The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy)

Daily Darren:
(daily text or email)

Bayside Refuel:
(daily text or email)

The Voice of Social Selling Podcast:

Success Magazine Podcast:

HBR Series:
(read a chapter a day)


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