Motivational Monday #98: "On Call"

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Yesterday at church they talked about if we were "On Call" to step into a moment when it presented itself even if it wasn't convenient or it was the "right" time for us. It resonated with me on many levels. The one I wanted to share today was for work and business development. 

We may be leaving a meeting and chatting on the way out making small talk with an agent. In that small talk they could mention a hurdle or a success in their business. We could respond with "It'll get better" or "Way to go on the success". OR we could step up and into the conversation and make it meaningful by having a thoughtful response like "What do you think is missing" OR "What actions do you attribute to that success". From there we can keep going, have a meaningful conversation and engage with them. From there we have the opportunity to bring value to them, and begin a relationship. 

It's up to all of us to lean in and be "On Call" when opportunities present themselves. I encourage each one of us to think about and act this week. 

Let's rock it team. 


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