Motivational Monday #89: Choosing to Act

Image result for much of your success in life is determined by how you choose to act in spite of how you feel

Some mornings we wake up feeling better or more motivated than others. It's important to look at how we set up our morning from the night before as well to see if we 'set it up' for success or not. Trying to control what we can, but knowing not all is in our control. 

The quote above has been on my mind for a few weeks now so I wanted to share it with you all. you act in spite of how you feel. That part really resonated with me. I feel like in sports it's much easier to suck it up and deliver, but in life not as much. Just because it's not as easy doesn't mean it's not beneficial. Choosing to 'win the day' isn't a feeling, but a decision. My encouragement for all of us today & each day is to choose to win & pursue it, regardless of how we feel. 


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