Motivational Monday #52: Doing it differently

I was reading a blog late last week and came across this info below that I wanted to share. These are some great reminders of things that are easily actionable today that don't need a grand strategic plan or anything like that in order to enact. All they really need is a willingness to do. Look at them below and think about one that you can focus on today and make it happen. This is something that we all can do and growth is a natural byproduct of.  

#1  They create and pursue focused goals.
#2  They take decisive and immediate action.
#3  They focus on Being productive, not being busy.
#4  They make logical, informed decisions.
#5. They avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect.
#6  They work outside of their comfort zone.
#7  They keep things simple.
#8  They focus on making small, continuous improvements.
#9  They measure and track their progress.
#10  They maintain a positive attitude as they learn from mistakes.
#11  They spend time with motivational people.
#12  They maintain balance in their life.


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