Motivational Monday #38: Positioning Your Value....

Sales Trinity
Increase Revenue
Expand Market-share
Reduce Cost

If we bring & connect these above with our clients & prospects the sky is the limit. We can't just bring them products, tools &/or services to achieve these goals though. We must CONNECT it to them, how the can implement it in their business with the least amount of growing or change pain as possible. 

For today: 
When we are prospecting or in meetings is our goal to bring 1 or more of these above to the person?

Do we know the products, tools &/or services enough to know how to connect them? If not, are we investing the time to "sharpen our sword" and grow?

Are we closing the circle from the meetings when value is brought and accepted from the client/prospect? Are we connecting them to their escrow team, doing a P.E.P. (if needed) and asking for the order?

Let's connect the dots today & remember that you are the most important "dot" in the equation. Without you, none of the dots connect. Keep Soaring! 

Image result for connecting the dots


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