Motivational Monday #27: Which type of Pain do you suffer from?

Waking up this morning I really wanted to hit my snooze button. At 6am I had a choice. Hit it and sleep in or get up and do my am workout. I choose to get up and workout. I didn't really 'want' to, but I did know that the decision was going to have a ripple effect on the rest of my day. I could have slept in and it would have felt good at the moment, and that one act would have had little direct impact right then BUT if you compound it then the impact is profound. If it hit the snooze button today it becomes much easier to do the same tomorrow and I will see no result. The same is true for getting up and doing my 14 min workout. I got up today and did it, so it'll be easier to do tomorrow and over time there will be a noticeable difference for the good. 

The same is in business. The discipline to do what we should do is HUGE. The calls made today may not directly turn into a new client, but the discipline of today carried into tomorrow will give you results from the calls made because you had the discipline to make them. 

This can be one of those things that separates us from the others and grows the gap between us and the competition. 

#CrushIt #BeTheException


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