
Showing posts from December, 2016

Motivational Monday #25: A Year in Review....3 keys to reflect & grow

There are 3 areas I think we should all take some time to review to take a real assessment at to see where we soared and where we can focus on for next year. Our best asset to our business' is ourselves and those around us. As we get better, so do our surrounding and results.  How did your team/home branch evolve over the past year? We are only as strong as the team(s) that drives us forward. People have diverse strengths, weaknesses, and motivations that are often unpredictable. Assessing the evolution of your team over the past year can provide you with valuable insight into the dynamics of the office, as well as provide insight into what the future holds. What went well, and what didn’t? Every business has its ups and downs; the important thing is to learn from every situation. We need to be intellectually and emotionally honest about what went well over the past year, and what didn’t. How -or- why did your strategy change over the year? Our ...

Motivational Monday #24: It's not just about being better, you need to be...

...different. At the end of the day the product that we have to sell is title and escrow services which is a commodity. Most are priced fairly the same and provide fairly the same coverage. The difference is our people, products, tools and services. This is how we differentiate ourselves in the marketplace, on a daily basis with those that are partnering with us already and those that we would like to work with in the very near future. When we are talking to targets and they let us know what they like about their current situation we have to not just be better then who they are currently with but different.  Intriguing enough that they are curious about the change and are willing to give you a try.

Motivational Monday #23: The Small Things

The small details can make the biggest difference in our days, relationships, presentations & soo much more. The large parts of our days are easy to focus on, but many time its the little details that are the tipping point to winning the meeting, client or day. Much like the rudder of a ship is small in size, the impact it make changes the course of the whole ship. The sail can be full of wind moving the ship, but the rudder dictates the direction to the destination. Let's keep focused on every step on our path to growth and success. That one, seemingly small thing that you do, or not do can make the the largest impact.  Make it a great one! -Colin