New Things in 2012

So I have seen this new year (which I can't believe is already half over) as an amazing revamp for me personally and professionally.

Personally I believe I have become more self aware, expanded my vision & am happy with the reflection in the mirror every morning.

Professionally I was secure enough to walk away from a job that was secure in order to achieve what I wanted. (We should all enjoy what we do as we spend a lot of time doing it) We are never 'stuck' in a situation, it's just that at times the only way out is a big risk or my be uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of my co-workers and consider them family and the industry was and still is great, the company was poorly executing therefore I couldn't deliver the service levels that I felt my customers deserved.

After taking three months off recharging, doing volunteer work, spending more time with my family all the while growing a sweet beard I was ready to get back into the industry that I loved. It's an incredible feeling to know that I play a part in helping families move into houses to make their homes. They celebrate holidays, birthdays, play games, grow up and so much more all in those four walls.

I decided to challenge myself in a few little ways in 2012. The first being no more paper planners. I have made the switch to my iPhone and it's great! Way more convenient. I also said that I would either use LinkedIn or quit it, operate a business Facebook page and now finally begin a blog....we'll see how this one goes.

I believe that this blog will be as random as I am in that one day it could be a winery review and the next sharing a upcoming charity event or a tid bit of hopeful wisdom.

As always....All the BEST!


Here is a beard picture per the request of my friend Debbie :) lil' sis didn't approve of the new style!


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