Time Well Spent? You Decide

Time is the the only thing that I can think of that we all start the day with the same amount of. Some people have more talent, money, creativity or energy, but we all are equal when it comes to 24 hours in a day. How we spend those 24 hours is 100% up to us. How many times to we find ourselves saying "I wish I had the time to _____." The truth is that we do have the time to do whatever that "it" is, is just that we haven't made it a priority or a high enough priority to let something go in order to cleave to the new. There could be a myriad of reasons that you either aren't letting go of something currently or making time for something that you say you want. There is no need to go into that, though I think one of the biggest reasons is fear. I've always thought fear isn't a bad thing at all, it's just a matter of how much control you allow fear to have in your life. Fear is present in battle, before public speaking and many other things. I bel...