"Be beautifully YOU. Everyone else is already taken."

"Be beautifully YOU. Everyone else is already taken." The above line is a little saying that I have been telling friends & family for years. I am a believer that we are all beautifully & uniquely made. Sometimes in life we worry more about what others think about us than what we think of our own reflection in the mirror. We act or say things that we think others want rather than what we do. Sometimes at the pressure of others or at other times with just pressure we put on ourselves. I know for me, I really struggled with being a people pleaser saying 'Yes' to really anything that sounded good. I would run myself down and then realized that if I didn't take care of myself then I really couldn't take care of other or responsibilities that I agreed to. It was very freeing to finally get to the point in my life where I could simply say 'No' to request and not feel bad about it. I looked at it as giving others the opportunity to step u...