
Showing posts from February, 2025

Motivational Monday #288: Get Rhythm, Stay in Rhythm

  The rhythm we are going to talk about today isn't our dance floor rhythm, though there are a lot of similarities between the two.  The rhythm of today is our daily rhythm. Do we have the 'beginning steps' of our day down or are they improvised? When we begin with standard steps it creates an expectation and take-off for our day that is in the direction we want to go.  Then when out day comes at us we have our foundation or fundamentals down so when a curve ball comes we can improvise, in-step and make it a part of our rhythm. They don't have to throw us off, they can actually be something that leads us to discovering (or growing) a new move/skill that will enhance ourselves and out performance.  If you have a morning daily rhythm for yourself that is great; you are starting off leading into the direction that is desired. If you don't, start by making a few simple morning tasks a routine to build a rhythm. Enjoy each day, and each rhythmic step of the day. The step...