
Showing posts from September, 2022

Motivational Monday #211: The Chatter Doesn't Matter...

 The chatter doesn't matter; the vision makes the decision.  We each have a vision for our lives right. There is a lot of chatter out there about the economy, the market, the list could go on. That does not have to change your goals. Keep your vision. Pursue your vision. Achieve your vision.  Our mind is powerful and what we allow in through our ears & eyes has an effect on us. Don't let the negative chatter push you down mentally, physically or emotionally. If you let it in, use it as fuel that you WILL #BeTheException. You will rise up and success no matter the circumstances & pursue that!

Motivational Monday #210: Fight -or- Flight -or- ____________

This one today comes inspired by Darren Hardy.  When adversity hits people typically talk about 2 responses that we have to it Fight -or- Flight . It is correct that those are 2 responses, but Darren pointed out this morning that the third response may be the most detrimental of them all.  What is it? ....FREEZE!  As he discussed it I began to think more about it. Fight:  You are making a choice and the choice is to go into battle; weather you feel ready or not and you are determined to beat the circumstances, the market, the opponent; whatever 'it' may be you are determined to WIN.  Flight: You are at least making a choice; a choice  that it is too difficult and you are not choosing to continue. The circumstances, the market, the opponent; whatever 'it' may be you are making the choice to go away.  Freeze: There is no choice made. You are standing still. This one is the most dangerous one of the three and it's not talked about. When we choose n...

Motivational Monday #209: What We Risk

There are risks when we take actions. There is also risk when we don't take action.  Risk taking is usually though of as being big or grand. I believe it's the little risks that we don't take that really cause the paralysis that holds us back. When we are able to take the small risks it breaks down the mental barriers that would prevent us from taking bigger risks.  By taking small risks, regularly it makes larger ones seem smaller and much less risky. (most of the time they are) Our mind, our imagination can create the feeling that a certain risk is HUGE; too costly if not achieved. When in reality, it may cause some temporary pain, but nothing lasting and the gain of experience and wisdom that we get from going for it valuable.  Go into that office today.  Make that 12th call to that person.  Have the meeting you have been avoiding.  Ask for that meeting, opportunity, introduction.   The risk in doing is much smaller than you...