Motivational Monday #185: It starts here

What 'it' am I talking about? That is for you to decide. What do you want? What achievement, accomplishment, goal, victory, realization, creation, fulfillment or masterpiece do you want? It all begins with a CHOICE . You first need to choose what you want; really want, not just kind of interested in, but really want. Then you need to map it out: What will you need for the journey. Who will you need along the way. What will you need to do in order to get there. Who will you need to become in order to achieve it. What do you need to let go of to reach there. Then trust the process with grit; sticking toward the pursuit of your 'it' when it gets hard (and it will). If you want 'it' bad enough you'll get there, the CHOICE is YOURS. #GetIt #Grit #ChoiceNotChance