
Showing posts from September, 2020

MM #146: Window of Opportunity

  We are in a unique place right now and there are many perspectives on how to look at it. That is a choice. I am choosing to look at it as an opportunity; we can all find opportunity right now and making the most of it is up to us and that is exciting!  We have a Window of Opportunity!  Some in our space are closing the shutters and waiting for things to go back to 'normal' not us. We will move forward creating value and growing.  "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."  Winston S. Churchill As we are continuing to do things that are not normal for our jobs we have the opportunity to once again grow, achieve & make those tasks opportunities to grow.  We can grow our relationship with our teams because we are in the trenches with them. They value us being there with them and helping.  We can grow our prospecting opportunities when opening orders by calling the Lender, Direc...

MM #145: All the small things

Today my encouragement is to be faithful in the small things. The discipline that comes with complete those tasks will be the same discipline that will help us complete and achieve bigger things in our lives personally and professionally. Before we run a marathon we start with stretching.  Today focus on the small things and we will accomplish those as well as bigger goals. Know what you are pursuing today & go, go, go! This link above is a great 33 second reminder.