MM# 124: Going from Competent to Confident
Hi Team, I have thinking a lot about how we can move from competent to confident in what we do, what we present, how we share & how we convert in our daily activities. Below are going to be some thought on how we can grow in confidence that I think apply to nearly anything. Practice, review, practice. Repetition is key. Just like our bodies and muscle memory we can be the same in our activities, product knowledge and presentation skills. There isn't a secret recipe; it just take time, grit and a wiliness to learn while making mistakes along the way. Take Action. Fail Forward. We cannot become more competent and therefore confident if we don't push ourselves. When we push we open ourselves up for growth and with growth we are not perfect, be ok with that. Don't be ok with staying in the same place though. Don't let fear stop you from trying....EVER. Seek Resources We don't get better solo. We get better ...