
Showing posts from April, 2019

Motivational Monday #111: Time & Talent

Time and talent go hand.  Where we spend our time is usually where our talents shine and are put to use. We also spend out time sharpening our talents and the balance of both, always has to be there. Time spend improving our talents & then times spent putting our talents to work in our marketplaces, communities & homes. This week my encouragement is to be purposeful two fold. Take intentional time to sharpen one of your talents this week and then to compliment it put that into action by applying that talent to parts of your life and it may be a part that you haven't applied that talent (old or new talent) to before.  Stretch & Growth this week using your time & talents to be great!

Motivational Monday #110: Win the minute....

The small things/actions make a HUGE difference.  Over the weekend I was listing to a show and they talked about the compound effect one one action repeated over time. We talk or hear about winning the day which is great and frequently I talk about needing to win the morning myself to win the rest of the day. My "ah-ha" came with making it more granular to winning the minute, then the hour to win the day. An example of this is not hitting the snooze button in the am making our first action one of delay. Instead getting out of bed and starting a productive routine.  Rock each action today in the moment/minute and win...keep it rolling and the outcomes will be awesome.