
Showing posts from September, 2017

Motivational Monday #56: The small action counts BIG

Choosing to not breeze past the small thing can make a huge impact in our business' and in life as a whole. Instead of just focusing on the big things, if we also focus on being great at the little things it breeds the discipline of awareness, thoughtfulness and finishing strong. Many times we focus on the huge goal, but forget that it was the small achievements over a period of time that compounded and prepared us for the large victory.  Today think about how you can be great at the details of your day and you'll see that the larger things will be come easier to grasp.  Have an awesome day team!

Motivational Monday #55: The extra mile

We have all heard the parable of going the extra mile & it's as true when written as it is today. One thing that always stuck out to me about the story is that it was a given to go the first mile. I use to always remind myself that in order to go the extra mile & MUST go the first mile (what's required) in order to go the extra mile (the extra effort/time). This was a big take away for me.  Today many phone it in, cruising to the end of the day on cruise control instead of finishing strong; not us. We strive to finish strong not just for us, but for all of those that depend on us daily to win. Our families, spouses, children to our escrow, title, customer service & other business partners. I believe it's our drive to not just compete, but to create big opportunities for us to soar is what motivates us to not just go the firs mile, but to CRUSH the extra mile as well.  It's my privlidge to go the extra mile with each of you. 

Motivational Monday #54: Which one do you have regularly?

We all have the 'time' to get done what we need to, it usually boils down to how we are spending our time. Its a good exercise to audit how we all spend our time and see if it lines up with we we say is most important to us personally and professionally. It's important not just how we spend our time, but the velocity we use our time as well. I have found time blocking works wonders on this to create efficiency (when held to) of course.  Candidly I was struggling a few months ago with losing my mornings and not getting some of my in office work done. I had to look at it and now I'm in the office between 7-7:30am each day now, which has to start the night before going to bed early so I'm ready for it. Now when my phone starts ringing and emails start coming in around 8:30-9am I have already accomplished a lot and don't feel like I'm behind the eight ball.  Make sure you are setting yourself to win the day, each day; and that most likely starts t...