
Showing posts from June, 2017

Motivational Monday #45: It's Go-Time

Today is just the simple reminder to go forward. Many times we wait for things to be the 'perfect scenario' for us to move forward. There is no such thing as the perfect scenario, but there is such a thing of a great scenario so lets create them and go for it. Go for it today! You have the talent & ability to succeed in what you pursue in achieving today. Decide to take the step forward and get it. #OwnToday

Motivational Monday #44: Leveraging your time

As we are constantly busy it's important for us to look at what we are busy doing. Our goal isn't to be busy; our goal is to be productive. Are there things in our day that we are doing that we can leverage out to someone or something else? Is there a wiser way of doing something that will save us time and then with that time we can do another productive activity? I've found that protecting time blocks is huge for me so I get done what needs to be done (important) and don't let it slide due to something that may appear urgent (but isn't) and could be less important. It begins with us asking ourselves one simple question: Is there a better way? Have a great one! I'm looking forward to the sales meeting this Thursday as well! Remember we'll have a few of us share branch market share reports & impromptu presentations on a product, tool or service as well.  

Motivational Monday #43: Confident & Comfortable

Just a simple reminder that when we are prospecting for meetings to acquire new business partners we don't just win if we are the best with our services, products and tools. They have to feel confident & comfortable that the pleasure of the move will ought weigh the pain of the move. Most of that peace of mind come from us (you) connecting with them, where they are at.  As we are out there today keep focused on the connection, hearing what they are saying and being right there.  Make it a GREAT one!

Motivational Monday #42: Focus on YOUR goal, not what others are doing

As we are all running our race to win at times we get distracted with what's around us. This was the same case in horse racing, so they started butting blinders on the horses so they didn't look around, but just in front of them. Their focus was on on what was before them and the goals at hand. They couldn't be distracted by what others were doing, they were just focused on running their best race.  What are we focused on: Our goals and how we are going to achieve them -or- what others in the same race are doing which is taking our focus off of us achieving our goal and putting our best out every day.  Have an AWESOME day! Don't get distracted by others instead, keep focused on what your goals are and stay on that path.