
Showing posts from March, 2017

Motivational Monday #34: Talk of the town

Who has ordered something off in the last week? For many many folks then answer is "I have." When people ask me "Where did you get that?" Many time my response is "Amazon." I love referring out great products & the services that I receive that are great. Amazon is great because they remind me & give me permission to do so. That same premise can be applied in our industry as well. When we give great services &/or tools to our business partners do we give them permission to share it with others? Our best conversion rates are warm leads, so this week focus on leveraging our current partnerships into introductions that will lead to new ones.  Make it a great one! (Jeff Bezos is the Founder, Chairman & CEO of Amazon)

Motivational Monday #33: Have to v. Get to...

Our words aren’t just important in how they impact someone else but also in shaping who we are as well. Our words reinforce either a positive or negative perspective. Our words subtly echo the story we tell ourselves every single day… a story that after a while becomes what we tend to believe. It was a subtle thing, an unconscious word choice but a choice all the same. Here’s the thing… HAVE TO  frames things in a way that says I am obligated or required.  It’s negative in most cases. GET TO  frames it more from a sense of gratitude and appreciation.  It’s positive.  See the difference?  It’s a simple shift of perspective but it can mean a lot over time as we subtly train our brains to respond out of a place of gratitude and thanksgiving versus an obligatory requirement. The truth is, there’s not much in life that we HAVE TO do but there is a lot in life that we GET TO do. We have to prospect or we get to prosp...

Motivational Monday #32: Productive or Busy?

Today's thought & encouragement for all of us to look at our day, or activities to see if they are getting us closer to our growth goals or not. Our goal isn't to just be busy, it's to be productive in the field with our clients for our escrow teams.  Keep rocking it out there team getting better each day, growing & achieving great results!