What's Your Mission?

What's Your Mission? About a month ago an awesome friend of mine shared this picture above in a text message to a few of us guys that are in a men's group that meets every couple of weeks and it has stuck with me ever since. Seeing those words along with the picture immediately reminded me of something that my High School English teacher (Ms. Langford) use to say quite often. "Birds of the same feather flock together." There are many other sayings that are along the same lines, but these have always stuck out to me. I feel that I am surrounded by some incredible people that have made me and are helping make me into the best version of myself I can become. I am very grateful to have them in my life. I think about where I started on my journey and those that have invested in me along the way as well and the gratefulness keeps swelling up and overflowing. These relationships have pushed me to discover and seek after my "Wh...